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Key Themes in John

Updated: Sep 23, 2023

Profiles of John - the son of Zebedee:

John the son of Zebedee was one of Jesus’ 12 disciples, along with his brother James. John was a fisherman. He and James were in business with fellow disciples Simon Peter and Andrew (Luke 5:10). John was a close friend of Jesus and one of the inner circle of disciples. He is probably “the other disciple” (John 18:16) and “the one whom Jesus loved” (20:2). This “other disciple” reclined next to Jesus at the Last Supper (13:23). He stood at the foot of the cross, where Jesus entrusted his mother Mary to John’s care (19:26–27). Along with Peter he witnessed the empty tomb on the first Easter morning (20:2–10). He also talked with the resurrected Jesus (21:7, 20). In addition to the Gospel bearing his name, John wrote the books of 1, 2 and 3 John, and Revelation. (John 13:23)


Key Themes:

  1. Jesus. Jesus is God, the “I am.” He existed before the creation of the world, and he has supernatural knowledge. He fulfills the Jewish festivals and institutions. As the sent Son of God, he reflects the Sender. Signs and witnesses demonstrate that he is the Messiah.

  2. The Trinity. Father, Son, and Spirit are united in their work of revelation and redemption.

  3. Salvation. God is sovereign in salvation. Jesus’ death is the basis of salvation, which is obtained through believing in the living Jesus as the Son of God.

  4. Eternal Life. Jesus is the giver of eternal life. Believers can experience some of salvation’s benefits during this present evil age.

  5. Mission. Believers are called to continue Jesus’ mission.


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