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The Book of John - Chapter 1:29-34 - (ESV)

Updated: Sep 23, 2023

Behold, the Lamb of God - {Interlinear <Greek>}

1:29 - The {Τῇ<ho>} nextday {ἐπαύριον<epaurion>} hesaw {βλέπει<blepō>} Jesus {τὸν Ἰησοῦν<ho Iēsous>} coming {ἐρχόμενον<erchomai>} toward {πρὸς <pros>} him, {αὐτὸν<autos>} and {καὶ<kai>} said, {λέγει·<legō>} “Behold, {ἴδε<ide>} the {ὁ<ho>} Lamb {ἀμνὸς<amnos>} ofGod, {τοῦ θεοῦ,<ho theos>} who {ὁ<ho>} takes away {αἴρων<airō>} the {τὴν<ho>} sin {ἁμαρτίαν<hamartia>} ofthe {τοῦ<ho>} world! {κόσμου.<kosmos>}

1:30 - This {οὗτός<houtos>} is {ἐστιν<eimi>} heof {ὑπὲρ<hyper>} whom {οὗ<hos>} I {ἐγὼ <egō>} said, {εἶπον·<legō>} ‘After {ὀπίσω<opisō>} me {μου<egō>} comes {ἔρχεται <erchomai>} aman {ἀνὴρ<anēr>} who {ὃς<hos>} ranks {γέγονεν<ginomai>} before {ἔμπροσθέν<emprosthen>} me, {μου<egō>} because {ὅτι<hoti>} hewas {ἦν.<eimi>} before {πρῶτός<prōtos>} me. {’μου<egō>}.

1:31 - I myself {κἀγὼ<kagō>} didnot {οὐκ<ou>} know {ᾔδειν<oida>} him, {αὐτόν,<autos>} but {ἀλλ᾽<alla>} for this purpose {διὰ τοῦτο<dia houtos>} I {ἐγὼ<egō>} came {ἦλθον<erchomai>} baptizing {βαπτίζων.<baptizō>} with {ἐν<en>} water, {ὕδατι<hydōr>} that {ἵνα<hina>} hemightberevealed {φανερωθῇ <phaneroō>} toIsrael.” {τῷ Ἰσραήλ,<ho Israēl>}.

1:32 - And {καὶ<kai>} John {Ἰωάννης<Iōannēs>} bore witness: {ἐμαρτύρησεν <martyreō>} • {λ έγων<legō> ὅτι <hoti>} Isaw {τεθέαμαι<theaomai>} the {τὸ<ho>} Spirit {πνεῦμα<pneuma>} descend {καταβαῖνον<katabainō>} from {ἐξ<ek>} heaven {οὐρανοῦ,<ouranos>} like {ὡς<hōs>} adove, {περιστερὰν<peristera>} and {καὶ <kai>} itremained {ἔμεινεν<menō>} on {ἐπ᾽<epi>} him. {αὐτόν.<autos>}

1:33 - I myself {κἀγὼ<kagō>} didnot {οὐκ<ou>} know {ᾔδειν<oida>} him, {αὐτόν, <autos>} but {ἀλλ᾽<alla>} he who {ὁ<ho>} sent {πέμψας<pempō>} me {με<egō>} tobaptize {βαπτίζειν<baptizō>} with {ἐν<en>} water {ὕδατι,<hydōr>} • {ἐκεῖνός<ekeinos>} said {εἶπεν·<legō>} tome, {μοι<egō>} ‘Heon {ἐφ᾽<epi>} whom {ὃν ἂν<hosan>} yousee {ἴδῃς<horaō>} the {τὸ<ho>} Spirit {πνεῦμα<pneuma>} descend }καταβαῖνον<katabainō>} and {καὶ<kai>} remain, {μένον<menō>} • {ἐπ᾽<epi>} • αὐτόν,<autos>} this {οὗτός<houtos>} is {ἐστιν<eimi>} he who {ὁ<ho>} baptizes {βαπτίζων<baptizō>} with {ἐν en>} the Holy {ἁγίῳ.<hagios>} Spirit. {’πνεύματι<pneuma>}.

1:34 - And I {κἀγὼ<kagō>} haveseen {ἑώρακα<horaō} and {καὶ<kai>} havebornewitness {μεμαρτύρηκα<martyreō>} that {ὅτι<hoti>} this {οὗτός<houtos>} is {ἐστιν<eimi>} the {ὁ<ho>} Son {υἱὸς<huios>} ofGod.” {τοῦ θεοῦ.<ho theos>}.


John 1:29-34 -

Not only does Jesus fulfill the law of Moses and the hopes of the prophets, he also completes the worship of Israel. In Jesus, old covenant types give way to the new creation antitype—shadow is supplanted by substance. To “Behold, the Lamb of God” is to see in Jesus the arrival of the suffering servant of Isaiah’s prophecy (Isa. 53:4–12), who took the punishment we deserve to give us the grace we could never earn.

To see Jesus is to celebrate the end of the sacrificial system, which was central to Israel’s worship. For the blood of Jesus cleanses, us from our sin, once and for all (Heb. 10:10). This good news is so central to John’s message that he spends 40 percent of his Gospel describing one week—the most crucial week of our Lord’s life, the week of his death and resurrection (John 12:1–20:25). John wants us to see Jesus not just as a moral model but, far more importantly, as the substitute sacrifice for our sin.

As the Messiah, Jesus was anointed with the Spirit without measure (cf. Isa. 61:1–3; Luke 4:14–19), and he gives his Spirit without reservation to his people. By the Spirit’s baptism, Jesus unites us to himself and inaugurates us into life and service in his kingdom. With Jesus, eternal life begins before death; earthly death is not the final chapter for those united to Christ eternally. The new age has broken in on us, and all are welcomed into it, by resting upon Christ’s provision and resisting the urge to make our way to God with the merit of our obedience.


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“Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission.

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