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The Book of John - Chapter 12:12-19 - (ESV)

Updated: Dec 28, 2023

The Triumphal Entry - - {Interlinear <Greek>}

12:12 - The {Τῇ<ho>} next day {ἐπαύριον<epaurion>} thelarge {πολὺς<polys>} crowd {ὄχλος<ochlos>} that {ὁ<ho>} hadcome {ἐλθὼν<erchomai>} to {εἰς<eis>} the {τὴν<ho>} feast {ἑορτήν,<heortē>} heard {ἀκούσαντες<akouō>} that {ὅτι<hoti>} Jesus {ὁ Ἰησοῦς<ho Iēsous>} wascoming {ἔρχεται<erchomai>} to {εἰς<eis>} Jerusalem. {Ἱεροσόλυμα, <Hierosolyma>}

12:13 - Sotheytook {ἔλαβον<lambanō>} branches {τὰ βαΐα<ho baion>} ofpalm. {τῶν φοινίκων<ho phoinix>} treesand {καὶ<kai>} went out {ἐξῆλθον <exerchomai>} to {εἰς<eis>} meet {ὑπάντησιν<hypantēsis>} him, {αὐτῷ<autos>} • {καὶ<kai>} crying {ἐκραύγαζον·<kraugazō>} out,“Hosanna! {ὡσαννά,<hōsanna>} Blessed {εὐλογημένος<eulogeō>} ishe who {ὁ<ho>} comes {ἐρχόμενος <erchomai>} in {ἐν<en>} thename {ὀνόματι<onoma>} oftheLord, {κυρίου <kyrios>} even {καὶ<kai>} the {ὁ<ho>} King {βασιλεὺς<basileus>} ofIsrael!” {τοῦ Ἰσραήλ.<ho Israēl>}

12:14 - And {δὲ<de>} Jesus {ὁ Ἰησοῦς<ho Iēsous>} found {Εὑρὼν<heuriskō>} a young donkey {ὀνάριον<onarion>} andsat {ἐκάθισεν<kathizō>} on {ἐπ᾽<epi>} it, {αὐτό,<autos>} just as {καθώς<kathōs>} itis {ἐστιν<eimi>} written, {γεγραμμένον· <graphō>}

12:15 - “Fear {φοβοῦ<phobeomai>} not, {μὴ<mē>} daughter {θυγάτηρ<thygatēr>} ofZion; {Σειών·<Siōn>} behold, {ἰδοὺ<idou>} your {σου<sy>} king {ὁ βασιλεύς <ho basileus>} iscoming, {ἔρχεται<erchomai>} sitting {καθήμενος<kathēmai>} on {ἐπὶ<epi>} adonkey’s {ὄνου.<onos>} colt!” {πῶλον<pōlos>}

12:16 - His {αὐτοῦ<autos>} disciples {οἱ μαθηταὶ<ho mathētēs>} didnot {οὐκ <ou>} understand {ἔγνωσαν<ginōskō>} these {ταῦτα<houtos>} thingsatfirst, {τὸ πρῶτον, <ho prōtos>} but {ἀλλ᾽<alla>} when {ὅτε<hote>} Jesus {Ἰησοῦς,<Iēsous>} wasglorified, {ἐδοξάσθη<doxazō>} then {τότε<tote>} theyremembered {ἐμνήσθησαν<mimnēskomai>} that {ὅτι<hoti>} these {ταῦτα<houtos>} thingshadbeen {ἦν<eimi>} written {γεγραμμένα<graphō>} about {ἐπ᾽ <epi>} him {αὐτῷ <autos>} and {καὶ<kai>} • {ταῦτα<houtos>} hadbeendone {ἐποίησαν<poieō>} tohim. {αὐτῷ.<autos>}

12:17 - • {οὖν<oun>} The {ὁ<ho>} crowd {ὄχλος<ochlos>} that {ὁ<ho>} hadbeen {ὢν<eimi>} with {μετ᾽<meta>} him {αὐτοῦ,<autos>} when {ὅτε<hote>} hecalled {ἐφώνησεν<phōneō>} Lazarus {τὸν Λάζαρον<ho Lazaros>} out of {ἐκ<ek>} the {τοῦ<ho>} tomb {μνημείου<mnēmeion>} and {καὶ<kai>} raised {ἤγειρεν<egeirō>} him {αὐτὸν<autos>} from {ἐκ<ek>} thedead {νεκρῶν.<nekros>} continuedtobearwitness. {Ἐμαρτύρει<martyreō>}

12:18 - The reason why {διὰ τοῦτο<dia houtos>} • {καὶ<kai>} the {ὁ<ho>} crowd {ὄχλος, <ochlos>} wenttomeet {ὑπήντησεν<hypantaō>} him {αὐτῷ<autos>} wasthat {ὅτι <hoti>} theyheard {ἤκουσαν<akouō>} he {αὐτὸν<autos>} haddone {πεποιηκέναι<poieō>} this {τοῦτο<houtos>} sign. {τὸ σημεῖον.<ho sēmeion>}

12:19 - So {οὖν<oun>} the {Οἱ<ho>} Pharisees {Φαρισαῖοι<Pharisaios>} said {εἶπαν <legō>} to {πρὸς<pros>} one another, {ἑαυτούς·<heautou>} “Yousee {θεωρεῖτε <theōreō>} that {ὅτι<hoti>} youaregaining {ὠφελεῖτε<ōpheleō>} nothing. {οὐκ οὐδέν;<ou oudeis>} Look, {ἴδε<ide>} the {ὁ<ho>} world {κόσμος<kosmos>} hasgone {ἀπῆλθεν.<aperchomai>} after {ὀπίσω<opisō>} him.” {αὐτοῦ<autos}


Jesus is his own “public relations firm”—and his own interpreter. The choice to ride into Jerusalem on a young donkey wasn’t just to fulfill prophecy but to contradict the prevailing notions about Israel’s Messiah. The waving of palm branches wasn’t just an act of enthusiastic praise; it was a statement of nationalistic pride. But Jesus didn’t come into Jerusalem as a political, economic, and social advocate for Israel. He came to establish a kingdom reign over all nations, including Israel and Rome—a reign of grace in the hearts of his followers and a reign of peace over all he has made. Jesus makes us joyful prisoners of hope by rescuing us from the empty promises of hype (Zech. 8:9–12).


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“Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission.

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