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The Book of John - Chapter 12:20-26 - (ESV)

Some Greeks Seek Jesus - {Interlinear <Greek>}

12:20 - Now {δὲ<de>} among {ἐκ<ek>} those who {τῶν<ho>} went up {ἀναβαινόντων<anabainō>} to {ἵνα<hina>} worship {προσκυνήσωσιν<proskyneō>} at {ἐν<en>} the {τῇ<ho>} feast {ἑορτῇ.<heortē>} were {Ἦσαν<eimi>} some {τινες<tis>} Greeks. {Ἕλληνές<Hellēn>}

12:21 - So {οὖν<oun>} these {οὗτοι<houtos>} came to {προσῆλθον<proserchomai>} Philip, {Φιλίππῳ<Philippos>} who {τῷ<ho>} wasfrom {ἀπὸ<apo>} Bethsaida {Βηθσαϊδὰ<Bēthsaidan>} inGalilee, {τῆς Γαλιλαίας<ho Galilaia>} and {καὶ<kai>} asked {ἠρώτων<erōtaō>} him, {αὐτὸν<autos>} {λέγοντες·<legō>} Sir, {κύριε,<kyrios>} wewish {θέλομεν<thelō>} tosee {ἰδεῖν.<horaō>} Jesus.” {τὸν Ἰησοῦν<ho Iēsous>}

12:22 - Philip {ὁ Φίλιππος<ho Philippos>} went {ἔρχεται<erchomai>} and {καὶ<kai>} told {λέγει<legō>} Andrew; {τῷ Ἀνδρέᾳ,<ho Andreas>} Andrew {Ἀνδρέας<Andreas>} and {καὶ<kai>} Philip {Φίλιππος<Philippos>} went {ἔρχεται<erchomai>} and {καὶ<kai>} told {λέγουσιν<legō>} Jesus. {τῷ Ἰησοῦ.<ho Iēsous>}

12:23 - And {δὲ<de>} Jesus {ὁ Ἰησοῦς<ho Iēsous>} answered {ἀποκρίνεται <apokrinomai>} them, {αὐτοῖς<autos>} {λέγων·<legō>} The {ἡ<ho>} hour {ὥρα <hōra>} hascome {ἐλήλυθεν<erchomai>} for {ἵνα<hina>} the {ὁ<ho>} Son {υἱὸς<huios>} ofMan {τοῦ ἀνθρώπου.<ho anthrōpos>} tobeglorified. {δοξασθῇ<doxazō>}

12:24 - Truly, {ἀμὴν<amēn>} truly, {ἀμὴν<amēn>} Isay {λέγω<legō>} toyou, {ὑμῖν· <sy>} unless {ἐὰν μὴ<ean mē>} agrain {ὁ κόκκος<ho kokkos>} ofwheat {τοῦ σίτου<ho sitos>} falls {πεσὼν<piptō>} into {εἰς<eis>} the {τὴν<ho>} earth {γῆν<gē>} and dies, {ἀποθάνῃ,<apothnēskō>} it {αὐτὸς<autos>} remains {μένει·<menō>} alone; {μόνος<monos>} but {δὲ<de>} if {ἐὰν<ean>} itdies, {ἀποθάνῃ,<apothnēskō>} itbears {φέρει.<pherō>} much {πολὺν<polys>} fruit. {καρπὸν<karpos>}

12:25 - Whoever {ὁ<ho>} loves {φιλῶν<phileō>} his {αὐτοῦ<autos>} life {τὴν ψυχὴν <ho psychē>} loses {ἀπολλύει<apollymi>} it, {αὐτήν,<autos>} and {καὶ<kai>} whoever {ὁ<ho>} hates {μισῶν<miseō>} his {αὐτοῦ<autos>} life {τὴν ψυχὴν<ho psychē>} in {ἐν<en>} this {τούτῳ<houtos>} world {τῷ κόσμῳ<ho kosmos>} willkeep {φυλάξει<phylassō>} it {αὐτήν.<autos>} for {εἰς<eis>} eternal {αἰώνιον<aiōnios>} life. {ζωὴν<zōē>}

12:26 - If {Ἐὰν<ean>} anyone {τις<tis>} serves {διακονῇ,<diakoneō>} me, {ἐμοί <egō>} hemustfollow {ἀκολουθείτω·<akoloutheō>} me; {ἐμοὶ<egō>} and {καὶ<kai>} where {ὅπου<hopou>} I {ἐγώ,<egō>} am, {εἰμὶ<eimi>} there {ἐκεῖ<ekei>} willmy {ὁ ἐμὸς<ho emos>} servant {ὁ διάκονος<ho diakonos>} be {ἔσται.<eimi>} also. {καὶ<kai>} If {ἐάν<ean>} anyone {τις<tis>} serves {διακονῇ,<diakoneō>} me, {ἐμοὶ<egō>} the {ὁ<ho>} Father {πατήρ.<patēr>} willhonor {τιμήσει<timaō>} him. {αὐτὸν<autos>}


The “not yet” is over; the appointed hour has arrived. The time for Jesus’ passion is at hand. The Pharisees lamented, “The world has gone after him” (12:19). They simply had no clue how fully their words would be fulfilled. With the arrival of the Greeks, we are given a preview of the enormous harvest of nations that has been secured by the death of Jesus—the eschatological kernel of kingdom wheat. In Jesus we see the promise to Abraham fulfilled that he would be the father of many nations (Gen. 12:1–3).

These Greeks were seeking Jesus because Jesus was seeking them. He came into the world to seek and to save the lost. Apart from the sovereign grace of God, the message of the cross is foolishness to the Greeks and a scandal to the Jews (1 Cor. 1:22–24), just as it is to us—but for the grace of God.


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“Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission.

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