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The Book of John - Chapter 17:1-5 - (ESV)

The High Priestly Prayer - {Interlinear <Greek>}

17:1 - WhenJesus {Ἰησοῦς,<Iēsous>} hadspoken {ἐλάλησεν<laleō>} these {Ταῦτα <houtos>} words, ← • {καὶ<kai>} he lifted up {ἐπάρας<epairō>} his {αὐτοῦ <autos>} eyes {τοὺς ὀφθαλμοὺς <ho ophthalmos>} to {εἰς <eis>} heaven, {τὸν οὐρανὸν <ho ouranos>} andsaid, {εἶπεν·<legō>} “Father, {πάτερ,<patēr>} the {ἡ <ho>} hour {ὥρα·<hōra>} hascome; {ἐλήλυθεν <erchomai>} glorify {δόξασόν <doxazō>} your {σου <sy>} Son {τὸν υἱόν, <ho huios>} that {ἵνα <hina>} the {ὁ <ho>} Son {υἱὸς <huios>} mayglorify {δοξάσῃ <doxazō>} you, {σε. <sy>}

17:2 - since {καθὼς <kathōs>} youhavegiven {ἔδωκας <didōmi>} him {αὐτῷ <autos>} authority {ἐξουσίαν <exousia>} overall {πάσης <pas>} flesh, {σαρκός,<sarx>} to {ἵνα <hina>} give {δώσει <didōmi>} eternal {αἰώνιον. <aiōnios>} life {ζωὴν <zōē>} toall {πᾶν <pas>} whom {ὃ <hos>} youhavegiven {δέδωκας <didōmi>} him. {αὐτῷ, <autos>} • {αὐτοῖς <autos>}

17:3 - And {δέ <de>} this {αὕτη <houtos>} is {ἐστιν <eimi>} eternal {αἰώνιος <aiōnios>} life, {ἡ ζωὴ <ho zōē>} that {ἵνα <hina>} theyknow {γινώσκωσιν <ginōskō>} you, {σὲ <sy>} the {τὸν <ho>} only {μόνον <monos>} true {ἀληθινὸν <alēthinos>} God, {θεὸν <theos>} and {καὶ <kai>} Jesus {Ἰησοῦν <Iēsous>} Christ {χριστόν. <Christos>} whom {ὃν <hos>} youhavesent. {ἀπέστειλας <apostellō>}

17:4 - I {ἐγώ <egō>} glorified {ἐδόξασα <doxazō>} you {σε <sy>} on {ἐπὶ <epi>} earth, {τῆς γῆς <ho gē>} havingaccomplished {τελειώσας <teleioō>} the {τὸ <ho>} work {ἔργον {ergon>} that {ὃ <hos>} yougave {δέδωκάς <didōmi>} me {μοι <egō>} to {ἵνα <hina>} do. {ποιήσω. <poieō>}

17:5 - And {καὶ <kai>} now, {νῦν <nyn>} Father, {πάτερ, <patēr>} glorify {δόξασόν <doxazō>} me {με <egō>} • {σύ, <sy>} inyour {σεαυτῷ <seautou>} ownpresence {παρὰ <para>} withthe {τῇ <ho>} glory {δόξῃ <doxa>} that {ᾗ <hos>} Ihad {εἶχον <echō>} with {παρὰ <para>} you {σοί. <sy>} before {πρὸ <pro>} the {τὸν <ho>} world {κόσμον <kosmos>} existed. {τοῦ εἶναι <ho eimi>}


Jesus’ appointed “hour” has finally arrived. Very soon he will travail in prayer over his impending cross; but now, he intercedes with joy over his beloved disciples. No earthly feasts can even faintly compare with the nourishment we are given in Jesus’ “high priestly prayer.”

Unlike Israel’s high priest, Jesus didn’t have to offer a sacrifice for his own sins as he came into the Father’s presence. The final Day of Atonement involved this eschatological High Priest becoming the sacrifice for the sins of the people (Heb. 7:27). There is no greater love than this (John 15:13; Rom. 5:6–10).

The joy set before Jesus, as he prepared to endure the cross (Heb. 12:2), included at least two things. Jesus longed to return to the Father, to enjoy the life he shared with him before the world was created. But Jesus also felt great joy in anticipation of redeeming and cherishing his international bride. He now delights in us and rejoices over us, as a bridegroom over his bride (Isa. 62:5; Zeph. 3:17).


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