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The Book of John - Chapter 18:15-27 - (ESV)

Peter Denies Jesus - {Interlinear <Greek>}

18:15 - • {δὲ <de>} Simon {Σίμων <Simōn>} Peter {Πέτρος <Petros>} followed {Ἠκολούθει <akoloutheō>} Jesus, {τῷ Ἰησοῦ <ho Iēsous>} and so {καὶ <kai>} didanother {ἄλλος <allos>} disciple. {μαθητής. <mathētēs>} Since {δὲ <de>} that {ἐκεῖνος <ekeinos>} disciple {ὁ μαθητὴς <ho mathētēs>} was {ἦν <eimi>} known {γνωστὸς <gnōstos>} tothe {τῷ <ho>} high priest, {ἀρχιερεῖ <archiereus>} • {καὶ <kai>} he entered with {συνεισῆλθεν <syneiserchomai>} Jesus {τῷ Ἰησοῦ <ho Iēsous>} into {εἰς <eis>} the {τὴν <ho>} courtyard {αὐλὴν <aulē>} ofthe {τοῦ <ho>} high priest, {ἀρχιερέως. <archiereus>}

18:16 - but {δὲ <de>} Peter {Ὁ Πέτρος <ho Petros>} stood {ἱστήκει <histēmi>} outside {ἔξω. <exō>} at {πρὸς <pros>} the {τῇ <ho>} door. {θύρᾳ <thyra>} So {οὖν <oun>} the {ὁ <ho>} other {ὁ ἄλλος <ho allos>} disciple, {μαθητὴς <mathētēs>} who {ὁ <ho>} wasknown {γνωστὸς <gnōstos>} tothe {τοῦ <ho>} high priest, {ἀρχιερέως <archiereus>} went out {ἐξῆλθεν <exerchomai>} and {καὶ <kai>} spoke {εἶπεν <legō>} tothe {τῇ <ho>} servant girl who kept watch at the door, {θυρωρῷ <thyrōros>} and {καὶ <kai>} broughtPeter {τὸν Πέτρον. <ho Petros>} in. {εἰσήγαγεν <eisagō>}

18:17 - • {οὖν <oun>} The {ἡ <ho>} servant {παιδίσκη <paidiskē>} girlatthe {ἡ <ho>} door {θυρωρός· <thyrōros>} said {λέγει <legō>} toPeter, {τῷ Πέτρῳ <ho Petros>} “You {σὺ <sy>} also {καὶ <kai>} are {εἶ <eimi>} not {μὴ <mē>} one {ἐκ <ek>} ofthis {τούτου; <houtos>} man’s {τοῦ ἀνθρώπου <ho anthrōpos>} disciples, {τῶν μαθητῶν <ho mathētēs>} areyou?”He {ἐκεῖνος· <ekeinos>} said, {λέγει <legō>} “Iam {εἰμί. <eimi>} not.” {οὐκ <ou>}

18:18 - Now {δὲ <de> the {οἱ <ho>} servants {δοῦλοι <doulos>} and {καὶ <kai>} officers {οἱ ὑπηρέται <ho hypēretēs>} hadmade {πεποιηκότες, <poieō>} a charcoal fire, {ἀνθρακιὰν <anthrakia>} because {ὅτι <hoti>} itwas {ἦν, <eimi>} cold, {ψῦχος <psychos>} andthey standing {ἱστήκεισαν <histēmi>} and {καὶ <kai>} warming {ἐθερμαίνοντο· <thermainō>} themselves. ← • {δὲ <de>} Peter {ὁ Πέτρος <ho Petros>} also {καὶ <kai>} was {ἦν <eimi>} with {μετ᾽ <meta>} them, {αὐτῶν <autos>} standing {ἑστὼς <histēmi>} and {καὶ <kai>} warming {θερμαινόμενος. <thermainō>} himself.

The High Priest Questions Jesus

18:19 - The {Ὁ <ho>} high priest {ἀρχιερεὺς <archiereus>} then {οὖν <oun>} questioned {ἠρώτησεν <erōtaō>} Jesus {τὸν Ἰησοῦν <ho Iēsous>} about {περὶ <peri>} his {αὐτοῦ <autos>} disciples {τῶν μαθητῶν <ho mathētēs>} and {καὶ <kai>} • {περὶ <peri>} his {αὐτοῦ. <autos>} teaching. {τῆς διδαχῆς <ho didachē>}

18:20 - Jesus {Ἰησοῦς· <Iēsous>} answered {ἀπεκρίθη <apokrinomai>} him, {αὐτῷ <autos>} “I {ἐγὼ <egō>} havespoken {λελάληκα <laleō>} openly {παρρησίᾳ <parrēsia>} tothe {τῷ <ho>} world. {κόσμῳ. <kosmos>} I {ἐγὼ <egō>} havealways {πάντοτε <pantote>} taught {ἐδίδαξα <didaskō>} in {ἐν <en>} synagogues {συναγωγῇ <synagōgē>} and {καὶ <kai>} in {ἐν <en>} the {τῷ <ho>} temple, {ἱερῷ <hieron>} where {ὅπου <hopou>} all {πάντες <pas>} Jews {οἱ Ἰουδαῖοι <ho Ioudaios>} come together. {συνέρχονται, <synerchomai>} • {καὶ <kai>} Ihavesaid {ἐλάλησα <aleō>} nothing {οὐδέν. <oudeis>} in {ἐν <en>} secret. {κρυπτῷ <kryptos>}

18:21 - Why {τί <tis>} doyouask {ἐρωτᾷς; <erōtaō>} me? {με <egō>} Ask {ἐρώτησον <erōtaō>} those who {τοὺς <ho>} haveheard {ἀκηκοότας <akouō>} mewhat {τί <tis>} Isaid {ἐλάλησα <laleō>} tothem; {αὐτοῖς. <autos>} • {ἴδε <ide>} they {οὗτοι <houtos>} know {οἴδασιν <oida>} what {ἃ <hos>} I {ἐγώ. <egō>} said.” {εἶπον <legō>}

18:22 - When → • {δὲ <de>} he {αὐτοῦ <autos>} hadsaid {εἰπόντος <legō>} these {ταῦτα <houtos>} things, ← one {εἷς < heis>} ofthe {τῶν <ho>} officers {ὑπηρετῶν <hypēretēs>} standing by {παρεστηκὼς <paristēmi>} struckJesus {τῷ Ἰησοῦ <ho Iēsous>} with his hand, {ἔδωκεν ῥάπισμα <didōmi rhapisma>} saying, {εἰπών· <legō>} “Isthat how {οὕτως <houtōs>} youanswer {ἀποκρίνῃ <apokrinomai>} the {τῷ <ho>} high priest?” {ἀρχιερεῖ; <archiereus>}

18:23 - Jesus {Ἰησοῦς· <Iēsous>} answered {ἀπεκρίθη <apokrinomai>} him, {αὐτῷ <autos>} “If {εἰ <ei>} whatIsaid {ἐλάλησα, <laleō>} iswrong, {κακῶς <kakōs>} bearwitness {μαρτύρησον <martyreō>} about {περὶ <peri>} the {τοῦ <ho>} wrong; {κακοῦ· <kakos>} but {δὲ <de>} if {εἰ <ei>} whatIsaidisright, {καλῶς, <kalōs>} why {τί <tis>} doyoustrike {δέρεις; <derō>} me?” {με <egō>}

18:24 - Annas {ὁ Ἄννας <ho Annas>} then {οὖν <oun>} sent {Ἀπέστειλεν <apostellō>} him {αὐτὸν <autos>} bound {δεδεμένον <deō>} to {πρὸς <pros>} Caiaphas {Καϊάφαν <Kaiaphas>} the {τὸν <ho>} high priest. {ἀρχιερέα. <archiereus>}

Peter Denies Jesus Again

18:25 - Now {δὲ <de>} Simon {Σίμων <Simōn>} Peter {Πέτρος <Petros>} was {ἦν <eimi>} standing {ἑστὼς <histēmi>} and {καὶ <kai>} warming {θερμαινόμενος. <thermainō>} himself.So {οὖν <oun>} theysaid {εἶπον <legō>} tohim, {αὐτῷ· <autos>} “You {σὺ <sy>} also {καὶ <kai>} are {εἶ; <eimi>} not {μὴ <mē>} one {ἐκ <ek>} ofhis {αὐτοῦ <autos>} disciples, {τῶν μαθητῶν <ho mathētēs>} areyou?”He {ἐκεῖνος <ekeinos>} denied {ἠρνήσατο <arneomai>} itand {καὶ <kai>} said, {εἶπεν· <legō>} “Iam {εἰμί. <eimi>} not.” {οὐκ <ou>}

18:26 - One {εἷς <heis>} of {ἐκ <ek>} the {τῶν <ho>} servants {δούλων <doulos>} ofthe {τοῦ <ho>} high priest, {ἀρχιερέως <archiereus>} arelative {συγγενὴς <syngenēs>} • {ὢν <eimi>} of the man {whose {οὗ <hos>} ear {τὸ ὠτίον· <ho ōtion>} Peter {Πέτρος <Petros>} had cut off, {ἀπέκοψεν <apokoptō>} asked, {λέγει <legō>} “DidI {ἐγώ <egō>} not {οὐκ <ou>} see {εἶδον <horaō>} you {σε <sy>} in {ἐν <en>} the {τῷ <ho>} garden {κήπῳ <kēpos>} with {μετ᾽ <meta>} him?” {αὐτοῦ; <autos>}

18:27 - • {οὖν <oun>} Peter {Πέτρος, <Petros>} again {πάλιν <palin>} denied {ἠρνήσατο <arneomai>} it,and {καὶ <kai>} at once {εὐθέως <eutheōs>} arooster {ἀλέκτωρ <alektōr>} crowed. {ἐφώνησεν. <phōneō>}


Peter’s words of denial, “I am not,” are the tragic counterpoint of Jesus’ words of affirmation, “I am” (v. 6). But even as the rooster was crowing, Jesus was still loving Peter “to the end” (13:1). Our sins do not separate us from the love of Jesus; Jesus separates us from the love of our sin, and from sin’s guilt and power. Peter’s threefold denial of Jesus will be answered, in time, by Jesus’ threefold restoration of Peter (21:15–19).


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