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The Book of John - Chapter 19:38-42 - (ESV)

Jesus Is Buried - {Interlinear <Greek>}

19:38 - After {Μετὰ <meta>} • {δὲ <de>} these {ταῦτα <houtos>} thingsJoseph {Ἰωσὴφ Iōsēph>} of {ἀπὸ <apo>} Arimathea, {Ἀριμαθαίας <Arimathaia>} whowas {ὢν <eimi>} a disciple {μαθητὴς <mathētēs>} ofJesus, {τοῦ Ἰησοῦ, <ho Iēsous>} but {δὲ <de>} secretly {κεκρυμμένος <kryptō>} for {διὰ <dia>} fear {τὸν φόβον <ho phobos>} ofthe {τῶν <ho>} Jews, {Ἰουδαίων, <Ioudaios>} asked {ἠρώτησεν <erōtaō>} Pilate {τὸν Πειλᾶτον <ho Pilatos>} that {ἵνα <hina>} he might take away {ἄρῃ <airō>} the {τὸ <ho>} body {σῶμα <sōma>} ofJesus, {τοῦ Ἰησοῦ. <ho Iēsous>} and {καὶ <kai>} Pilate {ὁ Πειλᾶτος. <ho Pilatos>} gavehimpermission. {ἐπέτρεψεν <epitrepō>} So {οὖν <oun>} hecame {ἦλθεν <erchomai>} and {καὶ <kai>} took away {ἦρεν <airō>} his {αὐτοῦ. <autos>} body. {τὸ σῶμα <ho sōma>}

19:39 - • {δὲ <de>} Nicodemus {Νικόδημος <Nikodēmos>} also, {καὶ <kai>} who {ὁ <ho>} earlier {τὸ πρῶτον <ho prōtos>} hadcome {ἐλθὼν <erchomai>} to {πρὸς <pros>} • {αὐτὸν <autos>} Jesusbynight, {νυκτὸς <nyx>} came {ἦλθεν <erchomai>} bringing {φέρων <pherō>} amixture {μίγμα <migma>} ofmyrrh {σμύρνης <smyrna>} and {καὶ <kai>} aloes, {ἀλόης <aloē>} about {ὡς <hōs>} seventy-five pounds {λίτρας ἑκατόν. <litra hekaton>} inweight. •

19:40 - So {οὖν <oun>} theytook {Ἔλαβον <lambanō>} the {τὸ <ho>} body {σῶμα <sōma>} ofJesus {τοῦ Ἰησοῦ <ho Iēsous>} and {καὶ <kai>} bound {ἔδησαν <deō>} it {αὐτὸ <autos>} inlinencloths {ὀθονίοις <othonion>} with {μετὰ <meta>} the {τῶν <ho>} spices, {ἀρωμάτων, <arōma>} as {καθὼς <kathōs>} is {ἐστὶν <eimi>} theburial {ἐνταφιάζειν. <entaphiazō>} custom {ἔθος <ethos >} ofthe {τοῖς <ho>} Jews. {Ἰουδαίοις <Ioudaios>}

19:41 - Now {δὲ <de>} in {ἐν <en>} the {τῷ <ho >} place {τόπῳ <topos>} where {ὅπου <hopou>} hewascrucified {ἐσταυρώθη <stauroō>} therewas {Ἦν <eimi>} agarden, {κῆπος <kēpos>} and {καὶ <kai>} in {ἐν <en>} the {τῷ <ho>} garden {κήπῳ <kēpos>} anew {καινὸν <kainos>} tomb {μνημεῖον <mnēmeion>} in {ἐν <en>} which {ᾧ <hos>} no one {οὐδέπω οὐδεὶς <oudepō oudeis>} hadyetbeen {ἦν <eimi>} laid. {τεθειμένος. <tithēmi>}

19:42 - So {οὖν <oun>} because of {διὰ <dia>} the {τὴν <ho>} Jewish {τῶν Ἰουδαίων, <ho Ioudaios>} dayofPreparation, {παρασκευὴν <paraskeuē>} since {ὅτι <hoti>} the {τὸ <ho>} tomb {μνημεῖον, <mnēmeion>} was {ἦν <eimi>} close {ἐγγὺς <engys>} athand, theylaid {ἔθηκαν <tithēmi>} Jesus {τὸν Ἰησοῦν. <ho Iēsous>} there. {ἐκεῖ <ekei>}


Joseph of Arimathea, a wealthy member of the Jewish ruling council (Matt. 27:57), asks Pilate for Jesus’ body, fulfilling Isa. 53:9. The location of Arimathea is not certain, though some identify it as Ramah (or Ramathaim-Zophim; see 1 Sam. 1:19).

Profile: Nicodemus (John 19:39–40)

Nicodemus was a Pharisee and a member of the powerful Jewish governing body, the Sanhedrin. He had seen the signs performed by Jesus and recognized that God was with him. Possibly to avoid being seen by his peers, Nicodemus came to Jesus at night to speak with him. Although he was a “teacher of Israel” (3:10) and knew the OT Scriptures, Nico­demus was mystified when Jesus told him that he must be born again. It was while talking with Nicodemus that Jesus made the statement recorded in 3:16, perhaps the most well-known summary of the gospel in all of Scripture. The Bible does not say whether Nicodemus responded to the gospel on this occasion. Later, however, Nicodemus defended Jesus when others wanted to arrest him (7:50–52). After Jesus’ death on the cross, Nicodemus helped Joseph of Arimathea prepare Jesus’ body for burial (19:39–40). (John 3:1–21)

Regarding the place where Jesus was crucified, see note on v. 17. Garden indicates a large space; a gardener is mentioned in 20:15. tomb. See note on Mark 15:46.

Regarding the Jewish day of Preparation, see note on v. 14. The Sabbath was rapidly approaching. Work had to stop, including that of carrying spices or moving a corpse.


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