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The Book of John - Chapter 20:11-18 - (ESV)

Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene - {Interlinear <Greek>}

20:11 - But {δὲ <de>} Mary {Μαρία <Maria>} stood {ἱστήκει <histēmi>} • {πρὸς <pros>} weeping {κλαίουσα. <klaiō>} outside {ἔξω <exō>} the {τῷ <ho>} tomb, {μνημείῳ {mnēmeion>} and {οὖν <oun>} as {ὡς <hōs>} shewept {ἔκλαιεν, <klaiō>} she stooped to look {παρέκυψεν <parakyptō>} into {εἰς <eis>} the {τὸ <ho>} tomb. {μνημεῖον, <mnēmeion>}

20:12 - And {καὶ <kai>} shesaw {θεωρεῖ <theōreō>} two {δύο <dyo>} angels {ἀγγέλους <angelos>} in {ἐν <en>} white, {λευκοῖς <leukos>} sitting {καθεζομένους <kathezomai>} where {ὅπου <hopou>} the {τὸ <ho>} body {σῶμα <sōma>} ofJesus {τοῦ Ἰησοῦ. <ho Iēsous>} hadlain, {ἔκειτο <keimai>} one {ἕνα <heis>} at {πρὸς <pros>} the {τῇ <ho>} head {κεφαλῇ <kephalē>} and {καὶ <kai>} one {ἕνα <heis>} at {πρὸς <pros>} the {τοῖς <ho>} feet. {ποσίν, <pous>}

20:13 - • {καὶ <kai>} They {ἐκεῖνοι· <ekeinos>} said {λέγουσιν <legō>} toher, {αὐτῇ <autos>} “Woman, {γύναι, <gynē>} why {τί <tis>} areyouweeping?” {κλαίεις; <klaiō>} Shesaid {λέγει <legō>} tothem, {αὐτοῖς· <autos>} {ὅτι <hoti>} They have taken away {ἦραν <airō>} my {μου, <egō>} Lord, {τὸν κύριόν <ho kyrios>} and {καὶ <kai>} Idonot {οὐκ <ou>} know {οἶδα <oida>} where {ποῦ <pou>} theyhavelaid {ἔθηκαν <tithēmi>} him.” {αὐτόν. <autos>}

20:14 - Havingsaid {εἰποῦσα <legō>} this, {Ταῦτα <houtos>} sheturned {ἐστράφη <strephō>} around {εἰς τὰ ὀπίσω <eis ho opisō>} and {καὶ <kai>} saw {θεωρεῖ <theōreō>} Jesus {τὸν Ἰησοῦν <ho Iēsous>} standing, {ἑστῶτα <histēmi>} but {καὶ <kai>} shedidnot {οὐκ <ou>} know {ᾔδει <oida>} that {ὅτι <hoti>} itwas {ἐστιν. <eimi>} Jesus. {Ἰησοῦς <Iēsous>}

20:15 - Jesus {Ἰησοῦς· <Iēsous>} said {λέγει <legō>} toher, {αὐτῇ <autos>} “Woman, {γύναι, <gynē>} why {τί <tis>} areyouweeping? {κλαίεις; <klaiō>} Whom {τίνα <tis>} areyouseeking?” {ζητεῖς; <zēteō>} Supposing {δοκοῦσα <dokeō>} • {ὅτι <hoti>} himtobe {ἐστιν <eimi>} the {ὁ <ho>} gardener, {κηπουρός <kēpouros>} she {ἐκείνη <ekeinos>} said {λέγει <legō>} tohim, {αὐτῷ· <autos>} “Sir, {κύριε, <kyrios>} if {εἰ <ei>} you {σὺ <sy>} havecarried {ἐβάστασας <bastazō>} him {αὐτόν, <autos>} away, ← tell {εἰπέ <legō>} me {μοι <egō>} where {ποῦ <pou>} youhavelaid {ἔθηκας <tithēmi>} him, {αὐτόν, <autos>} and I {κἀγὼ <kagō>} will take {ἀρῶ. <airō>} him {αὐτὸν <autos>} away.”

20:16 - Jesus {Ἰησοῦς· <Iēsous>} said {λέγει <legō>} toher, {αὐτῇ <autos>} “Mary.” {Μαριάμ. <Mariam>} She {ἐκείνη <ekeinos>} turned {στραφεῖσα <strephō>} andsaid {λέγει <legō>} tohim {αὐτῷ <autos>} inAramaic, {Ἑβραϊστί· <Hebraisti>} “Rabboni!” {ῥαββουνί, <rhabbouni>} (which {ὃ <hos>} means {λέγεται, <legō>} Teacher). {διδάσκαλε. <didaskalos>}

20:17 - Jesus {Ἰησοῦς· <Iēsous>} said {λέγει <legō>} toher, {αὐτῇ <autos>} “Donot {μή <mē>} cling {ἅπτου· <haptō>} tome, {μου <egō>} for {γὰρ <gar>} Ihavenot yet {οὔπω <oupō>} ascended {ἀναβέβηκα <anabainō>} to {πρὸς <pros>} the {τὸν <ho>} Father; {πατέρα. <patēr>} but {δὲ <de>} go {πορεύου <poreuomai>} to {πρὸς {pros>} my {μου <egō>} brothers {τοὺς ἀδελφούς <ho adelphos>} and {καὶ <kai>} say {εἰπὲ <legō>} tothem, {αὐτοῖς· <autos>} ‘Iamascending {ἀναβαίνω <anabainō>} to {πρὸς <pros>} my {μου <egō>} Father {τὸν πατέρα <ho patēr>} and {καὶ <kai>} your {ὑμῶν <sy>} Father, {πατέρα <patēr>} • {καὶ <kai>} tomy {μου <egō>} God {θεόν <theos>} and {καὶ <kai>} your {ὑμῶν. <sy>} God.’” {θεὸν <theos>}

20:18 - Mary {Μαριὰμ <Mariam>} Magdalene {ἡ Μαγδαληνὴ <ho Magdalēnē>} went {Ἔρχεται <erchomai>} andannounced {ἀγγέλλουσα <angellō>} tothe {τοῖς <ho>} disciples, {μαθηταῖς <mathētēs>} {ὅτι <hoti>} Ihaveseen {ἑώρακα <horaō>} the {τὸν <ho>} Lord”— {κύριον, <kyrios>} and {καὶ <kai>} thathehadsaid {εἶπεν <legō>} these {ταῦτα <houtos>} thingstoher. {αὐτῇ. <autos>}


Mary Magdalene returned to the tomb, and lingered in her grief. At first she thought Jesus was a gardener, and indeed, he is; for where the first Adam failed his work in the garden, the last Adam has wondrously succeeded. The grain of gospel wheat died, and was planted in a garden tomb, and now the grand harvest begins (cf. 12:24–25).

It wasn’t until Jesus spoke her name that Mary recognized him. The Good Shepherd had laid down his life and taken it up again. Now he called one of his sheep by name and she recognized his life-giving voice (10:4). The gospel is no mere invitation; it is a summons to glory. Each of us must move from the general of John 3:16 (God’s love for the world generally) to the personal of Galatians 2:20 (God’s love for me specifically).


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