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The Book of John - Chapter 21:15-19 - (ESV)

Jesus and Peter - {Interlinear <Greek>}

21:15 - When - {Ὅτε <hote>} • {οὖν <oun>} theyhadfinishedbreakfast, {ἠρίστησαν, <aristaō>} Jesus {ὁ Ἰησοῦς· <ho Iēsous>} said {λέγει <legō>} toSimon {τῷ Σίμωνι <ho Simōn>} Peter, {Πέτρῳ <Petros>} “Simon, {Σίμων <Simōn>} sonofJohn, {Ἰωάννου, <Iōannēs>} do youlove {ἀγαπᾷς <agapaō>} me {με <egō>} more {πλέον <pleiōn>} thanthese?” {τούτων; <houtos>} Hesaid {λέγει <legō>} tohim, {αὐτῷ· <autos>} “Yes, {ναὶ <nai>} Lord; {κύριε, <kyrios>} you {σὺ <sy>} know {οἶδας <oida>} that {ὅτι <hoti>} Ilove {φιλῶ <phileō>} you.” {σε. <sy>} Hesaid {λέγει <legō>} tohim, {αὐτῷ· <autos>} “Feed {βόσκε <boskō>} my {μου. <egō>} lambs.” {τὰ ἀρνία <ho arnion>}

21:16 - Hesaid {λέγει <legō>} tohim {αὐτῷ <autos>} • {πάλιν <palin>} asecond {δεύτερον· <deuteros>} time, ← “Simon, {Σίμων <Simōn>} sonofJohn, {Ἰωάννου, <Iōannēs>} doyoulove {ἀγαπᾷς <agapaō>} me?” {με; <egō>} Hesaid {λέγει <legō>} tohim, {αὐτῷ· <autos>} “Yes, {ναὶ <nai>} Lord; {κύριε, <kyrios>} you {σὺ <sy>} know {οἶδας <oida>} that {ὅτι <hoti>} Ilove {φιλῶ <phileō>} you.” {σε. <sy>} Hesaid {λέγει <legō>} tohim, {αὐτῷ· <autos>} “Tend {ποίμαινε <poimainō>} my {μου. <egō>} sheep.” {τὰ πρόβατά <ho probaton>}

21:17 - Hesaid {λέγει <legō>} tohim {αὐτῷ <autos>} the {τὸ <ho>} third {τρίτον· <tritos>} time,“Simon, {Σίμων <Simōn>} sonofJohn, {Ἰωάννου, <Iōannēs>} do youlove {φιλεῖς <phileō>} me?” {με; <egō>} Peter {ὁ Πέτρος <ho Petros>} wasgrieved {ἐλυπήθη <lypeō>} because {ὅτι <hoti>} hesaid {εἶπεν <legō>} to him {αὐτῷ <autos>} the {τὸ <ho>} third {τρίτον· <tritos>} time, ← “Doyou love {φιλεῖς <phileō>} me?” {με; <egō>} and {καὶ <kai>} hesaid {εἶπεν <legō>} tohim, {αὐτῷ· <autos>} “Lord, {κύριε, <kyrios>} you {σὺ <sy>} know {οἶδας, <oida>} everything; {πάντα <pas>} you {σὺ <sy>} know {γινώσκεις <ginōskō>} that {ὅτι <hoti>} Ilove {φιλῶ <phileō>} you.” {σε. <sy>} Jesus {ὁ Ἰησοῦς· <ho Iēsous>} said {λέγει <legō>} tohim, {αὐτῷ <autos>} “Feed {βόσκε <boskō>} my {μου. <egō>} sheep. {τὰ πρόβατά <ho probaton>}

21:18 - Truly, {ἀμὴν <amēn>} truly, {ἀμὴν <amēn>} Isay {λέγω <legō>} to you, {σοι· <sy>} when {ὅτε <hote>} youwere {ἦς <eimi>} young, {νεώτερος, <neos>} youused todress {ἐζώννυες <zōnnymi>} yourself {σεαυτὸν <seautou>} and {καὶ <kai>} walk {περιεπάτεις <peripateō>} wherever {ὅπου <hopou>} youwanted, {ἤθελες. <thelō>} but {δὲ <de>} when {ὅταν <hotan>} youareold, {γηράσῃς, <gēraskō>} you will stretch out {ἐκτενεῖς <ekteinō>} your {σου, <sy>} hands, {τὰς χεῖράς <ho cheir>} and {καὶ <kai>} another {ἄλλος <allos>} willdress {ζώσει <zōnnymi>} you {σε <sy>} and {καὶ <kai>} carry {οἴσει <pherō>} youwhere {ὅπου <hopou>} you donot {οὐ <ou>} want {θέλεις. <thelō>} togo.”

21:19 - (This {τοῦτο <houtos>} • {δὲ <de>} hesaid {εἶπεν <legō>} toshow {σημαίνων <sēmainō>} bywhat kind of {ποίῳ <poios>} death {θανάτῳ <thanatos>} hewastoglorify {δοξάσει <doxazō>} God.) {τὸν θεόν. <ho theos>} And {καὶ <kai>} aftersaying {εἰπὼν <legō>} this {τοῦτο <houtos>} hesaid {λέγει <legō>} tohim, {αὐτῷ· <autos>} “Follow {ἀκολούθει <akoloutheō>} me.” {μοι. <egō>}


Jesus didn’t hurry the process of Peter’s restoration. The Savior asked three times for affirmation of the apostle’s love, reflecting Peter’s three denials during Christ’s passion. Gospel surgery is free, but not always easy. Grace produces redemptive pain, not punitive pain. But pain is still painful. Indeed, the gospel brings an end to all deadening worldly grief. But the gospel is the beginning of enlivening godly grief (2 Cor. 7:10–11). The law condemns, the gospel convicts; the law creates self-centered tears, the gospel creates God-centered tears.

“Do you love me more than these?” It would have been easier on Peter had Jesus asked him, “Do you promise not to fail me again?” But Jesus knew better than to ask that question, because, of course, Peter would fail again (e.g., Gal. 2:11–21). Jesus is more jealous for our love than zealous for our works. If he has our hearts, he’ll have everything else.


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