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The Book of John - Chapter 7:37-39 - (ESV)

Rivers of Living Life - {Interlinear <Greek>}

7:37 - On {Ἐν<en>} • {δὲ<de>} the {τῇ<ho>} last {ἐσχάτῃ<eschatos>} day {ἡμέρᾳ <hēmera>} ofthe {τῆς<ho>} feast, {ἑορτῆς<heortē>} the {τῇ<ho>} great {μεγάλῃ <megas>} day, ← Jesus {ὁ Ἰησοῦς<ho Iēsous>} stood up {ἱστήκει<histēmi>} and {καὶ <kai>} cried {ἔκραξεν<krazō>} out, ←“ {λέγων·<legō>} If {ἐάν<ean>} anyone {τις<tis>} thirsts, {διψᾷ,<dipsaō>} lethimcome {ἐρχέσθω<erchomai>} to {πρός<pros>} me {με <egō>} and {καὶ<kai>} drink. {πινέτω.<pinō>}

7:38 - Whoever {ὁ<ho>} believes {πιστεύων<pisteuō>} in {εἰς<eis>} me, {ἐμέ,<egō>} as {καθὼς<kathōs>} the {ἡ<ho>} Scripture {γραφή,<graphē>} hassaid, {εἶπεν<legō>} ‘Out of {ἐκ<ek>} his {αὐτοῦ<autos>} heart {τῆς<κοιλίας<hokoilia>} willflow {ῥεύσουσιν <rheō>} rivers {ποταμοὶ<potamos>} ofliving {ζῶντος.<zaō>} water.’” {ὕδατος<hydōr>}

7:39 - Now {δὲ<de>} this {τοῦτο<houtos>} hesaid {εἶπεν<legō>} about {περὶ <peri>} the {τοῦ<ho>} Spirit, {πνεύματος<pneuma>} whom {ὃ<hos>} those who {οἱ <ho>} believed {πιστεύσαντες<pisteuō>} in {εἰς<eis>} him {αὐτόν·<autos>} were {ἔμελλον <mellō>} toreceive, {λαμβάνειν<lambanō>} for {γὰρ<garas>} yet {οὔπω <oupō>} theSpirit {πνεῦμα, <pneuma>} hadnotbeen given, {ἦν<eimi>} because {ὅτι<hoti>} Jesus {Ἰησοῦς <Iēsous>} wasnot yet {οὐδέπω<oudepō>} glorified. {ἐδοξάσθη.<doxazō>}


The Feast of Booths was a joyful celebration in Jerusalem. It commemorated the ingathering of the fall crops and the years the Israelites spent living in tents as they journeyed through the wilderness (Lev. 23:33–43; Num. 29:2–38). Two symbols—water and light—played a significant role in this high feast. During the course of the week, water was drawn from Siloam and poured upon the altar, in commemoration of the refreshing stream that had come forth miraculously out of the rock at Meribah (Ex. 17:1–7).

Jesus’ loud invitation to the thirsty was a startling, even scandalous declaration. He was claiming to be the rock that Moses struck in the wilderness—the rock from which life-sustaining water flowed (see also 1 Cor. 10:1–4). But Jesus was also looking ahead to the day of Pentecost, when “in the last days” he would pour out his Spirit (Joel 2:28–29; Acts 2). After his ascension, the Father gave the Spirit to Jesus without limit (John 3:34), and Jesus gives us the Spirit without reservation (John 1:33)—both enabling us to believe and confirming that we do believe (Eph. 1:13–14).


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