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The Book of John - Chapter 9:13-34 - (ESV)

Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind - {Interlinear <Greek>}

9:13 - Theybrought {ἄγουσιν<agō>} • {αὐτὸν<autos>} to {πρὸς<pros>} the {τοὺς <ho>} Pharisees {Φαρισαίους,<Pharisaios>} the man who {τὸν<ho>} hadformerly {ποτὲ<pote>} beenblind. {τυφλόν·<typhlos>}

9:14 - Now {δὲ<de>} itwas {ἦν<eimi>} aSabbath {σάββατον<sabbaton>} daywhen {ἐν ᾗ ἡμέρᾳ<en hos hēmera>} Jesus {ὁ Ἰησοῦς<ho Iēsous>} made {ἐποίησεν <poieō>} the {τὸν<ho>} mud {πηλὸν<pēlos>} and {καὶ<kai>} opened {ἀνέῳξεν <anoigō>} his {αὐτοῦ<autos>} eyes. {τοὺς ὀφθαλμούς.<ho ophthalmos>}

9:15 - So {οὖν<oun>} the {οἱ<ho>} Pharisees {Φαρισαῖοι<Pharisaios>} again {πάλιν <palin>} asked {ἠρώτων<erōtaō>} him {αὐτὸν<autos>} • {καὶ<kai>} how {πῶς<pōs>} he had received his sight. {ἀνέβλεψεν.<anablepō>} And {δὲ<de>} he {ὁ<ho>} said {εἶπεν<legō>} tothem, {αὐτοῖς·<autos>} “Heput {ἐπέθηκέν<epitithēmi>} mud {πηλὸν<pēlos>} on {ἐπὶ<epi>} my {μου<egō>} eyes, {τοὺς ὀφθαλμοὺς<ho ophthalmos>} and {καὶ<kai>} Iwashed, {ἐνιψάμην<niptō>} and {καὶ<kai>} Isee.” {βλέπω.<blepō>}

9:16 - • {οὖν<oun>} Some {τινές·<tis>} of {ἐκ<ek>} the {τῶν<ho>} Pharisees {Φαρισαίων<Pharisaios>} said, {ἔλεγον<legō>} “This {οὗτος<houtos>} man {ὁ ἄνθρωπος,<ho anthrōpos>} is {ἔστιν<eimi>} not {οὐκ<ou>} from {παρὰ<para>} God, {θεοῦ<theos>} for {ὅτι<hoti>} hedoesnot {οὐ<ou>} keep {τηρεῖ.<tēreō>} the {τὸ<ho>} Sabbath.” {σάββατον<sabbaton>} But {δὲ<de>} others {ἄλλοι<allos>} said, {ἔλεγον·<legō>} “How {πῶς<pōs>} can {δύναται<dynamai>} aman {ἄνθρωπος<anthrōpos>} whoisasinner {ἁμαρτωλὸς<hamartōlos>} do {ποιεῖν;<poieō>} such {τοιαῦτα<toioutos>} signs?” {σημεῖα<sēmeion>} And {καὶ<kai>} therewas {ἦν<eimi>} adivision {σχίσμα<schisma>} among {ἐν<en>} them. {αὐτοῖς.<autos>}

9:17 - So {οὖν<oun>} theysaid {λέγουσιν<legō>} again {πάλιν·<palin>} tothe {τῷ<ho>} blind {τυφλῷ<typhlos>} man, ← “What {τί<tis>} doyou {σὺ<sy>} say {λέγεις<legō>} about {περὶ<peri>} him, {αὐτοῦ<autos>} since {ὅτι<hoti>} hehasopened {ἠνέωξέν<anoigō>} your {σου<sy>} eyes?” {τοὺς ὀφθαλμούς; <ho ophthalmos>} He {ὁ <ho>} • {δὲ<de>} said, {εἶπεν<legō>} “ {ὅτι<hoti>} Heis {ἐστίν. <eimi>} aprophet.” {προφήτης<prophētēs>}

9:18 - The {οἱ<ho>} Jews {Ἰουδαῖοι<Ioudaios>} didnot {οὐκ<ou> believe {ἐπίστευσαν<pisteuō>} • {οὖν<oun>} • {περὶ<peri>} • {αὐτοῦ<autos>} that {ὅτι<hoti>} hehadbeen {ἦν<eimi>} blind {τυφλὸς<typhlos>} and {καὶ<kai>} had received his sight, {ἀνέβλεψεν<anablepō>} until {ἕως ὅτου<heōs hostis>} theycalled {ἐφώνησαν<phōneō>} the {τοὺς<ho>} parents {γονεῖς<goneus>} • {αὐτοῦ<autos> ofthemanwho {τοῦ<ho>} had received his sight {ἀναβλέψαντος,<anablepō>}

9:19 - and {καὶ<kai>} asked {ἠρώτησαν<erōtaō>} them, {αὐτοὺς<autos>} “ {λέγοντες· <legō>} Is {ἐστιν<eimi>} this {οὗτός<houtos>} your {ὑμῶν<sy>} son, {ὁ υἱὸς<ho huios>} who {ὃν<hos>} you {ὑμεῖς<sy>} say {λέγετε<legō>} • {ὅτι<hoti>} wasborn {ἐγεννήθη;<gennaō>} blind? {τυφλὸς<typhlos>} How {πῶς<pōs>} then {οὖν<oun>} doeshenow {ἄρτι;<arti>} see?” {βλέπει<blepō>}

9:20 - • {οὖν<oun>} His {αὐτοῦ<autos>} parents {οἱ γονεῖς<ho goneus>} answered, {Ἀπεκρίθησαν<apokrinomai>} • {καὶ<kai>} • {εἶπαν·<legō>} “Weknow {οἴδαμεν <oida>} that {ὅτι<hoti>} this {οὗτός<houtos>} is {ἐστιν<eimi>} our {ἡμῶν<egō>} son {ὁ υἱὸς<ho huios>} and {καὶ<kai>} that {ὅτι<hoti>} hewasborn {ἐγεννήθη· <gennaō>} blind. {τυφλὸς<typhlos>}

9:21 - But {δὲ<de>} how {πῶς<pōs>} henow {νῦν<nyn>} sees {βλέπει<blepō>} wedonot {οὐκ<ou>} know, {οἴδαμεν,<oida>} nor {ἢ οὐκ<ēou>} dowe {ἡμεῖς<egō>} know {οἴδαμεν·<oida>} who {τίς<tis>} opened {ἤνοιξεν<anoigō>} his {αὐτοῦ<autos>} eyes. {τοὺς ὀφθαλμοὺς<ho ophthalmos>} Ask {ἐρωτήσατε,<erōtaō>} him; {αὐτὸν<autos>} he is of age. {ἡλικίαν ἔχει·<hēlikia echō>} He {αὐτὸς<autos>} willspeak {λαλήσει.<laleō>} for {περὶ<peri>} himself.” {ἑαυτοῦ<heautou>}

9:22 - (His {αὐτοῦ,<autos>} parents {οἱ γονεῖς<ho goneus>} said {εἶπον<legō>} these {Ταῦτα<houtos>} thingsbecause {ὅτι<hoti>} theyfeared {ἐφοβοῦντο <phobeomai>} the {τοὺς<ho>} Jews, {Ἰουδαίους·<Ioudaios>} for {γὰρ<gar>} the {οἱ<ho>} Jews {Ἰουδαῖοι<Ioudaios>} hadalready {ἤδη<ēdē>} agreed {συνετέθειντο<syntithemai>} that {ἵνα<hina>} if {ἐάν<ean>} anyone {τις<tis>} • {αὐτὸν<autos>} shouldconfess {ὁμολογήσῃ<homologeō>} JesustobeChrist, {χριστόν,<Christos>} hewastobe {γένηται.<ginomai>} putout of the synagogue.) {ἀποσυνάγωγος<aposynagōgos>}

9:23 - Therefore {διὰ τοῦτο<dia houtos>} his {αὐτοῦ<autos>} parents {οἱ γονεῖς<ho goneus>} said, {εἶπαν<legō>} “ {ὅτι<hoti>} He is of age; {ἡλικίαν ἔχει,<hēlikia echō>} ask {ἐπερωτήσατε.<eperōtaō>} him.” {αὐτὸν<autos>}

9:24 - So {οὖν<oun>} for {ἐκ<ek>} thesecond {δευτέρου,<deuteros>} timetheycalled {Ἐφώνησαν<phōneō>} the {τὸν<ho> man {ἄνθρωπον<anthrōpos> who {ὃς<hos>} hadbeen {ἦν<eimi> blind {τυφλὸς<typhlos>} and {καὶ<kai>} said {εἶπαν<legō>} tohim, {αὐτῷ·<autos>} “Give {δὸς<didōmi>} glory {δόξαν<doxa>} toGod. {τῷ θεῷ·<ho theos>} We {ἡμεῖς<egō>} know {οἴδαμεν<oida>} that {ὅτι <hoti>} this {οὗτος<houtos> man {ὁ ἄνθρωπος<ho anthrōpos>} is {ἐστιν.<eimi>} asinner.” {ἁμαρτωλός<hamartōlos>}

9:25 - • {οὖν<oun>} He {ἐκεῖνος·<ekeinos>} answered, {Ἀπεκρίθη<apokrinomai>} “Whether {εἰ<ei>} heis {ἐστιν<eimi>} asinner {ἁμαρτωλός<hamartōlos>} Idonot {οὐκ<ou>} know. {οἶδα·<oida>} One {ἓν<heis>} thingIdoknow, {οἶδα<oida>} that {ὅτι<hoti>} thoughIwas {ὢν<eimi>} blind, {τυφλὸς <typhlos>} now {ἄρτι<arti>} Isee.” {βλέπω.<blepō>}

9:26 - Theysaid {εἶπον<legō>} • {οὖν<oun>} tohim, {αὐτῷ·<autos>} “What {τί <tis>} didhedo {ἐποίησέν<poieō>} toyou? {σοι;<sy>} How {πῶς<pōs>} did heopen {ἤνοιξέν<anoigō>} your {σου<sy>} eyes?” {τοὺς ὀφθαλμούς;<ho ophthalmos>}

9:27 - Heanswered {Ἀπεκρίθη<apokrinomai>} them, {αὐτοῖς·<autos>} “Ihavetold {εἶπον<legō>} you {ὑμῖν<sy>} already, {ἤδη,<ēdē>} and {καὶ<kai>} youwouldnot {οὐκ<ou>} listen. {ἠκούσατε.<akouō>} Why {τί<tis>} doyouwant {θέλετε<thelō>} tohear {ἀκούειν;<akouō>} itagain? {πάλιν<palin>} Doyou {ὑμεῖς<sy>} also {καὶ<kai>} want {θέλετε<thelō> tobecome {γενέσθαι;<ginomai>} his {αὐτοῦ<autos>} disciples {μαθηταὶ<mathētēs?” {μὴ<mē>}

9:28 - And {καὶ<kai>} theyreviled {ἐλοιδόρησαν<loidoreō>} him, {αὐτὸν<autos>} • {καὶ<kai>} saying, {εἶπον·<legō>} “You {σὺ<sy>} are {εἶ<eimi>} his {ἐκείνου, <ekeinos>} disciple, {μαθητὴς<mathētēs>} but {δὲ<de>} we {ἡμεῖς <egō>} are {ἐσμὲν <eimi>} disciples {μαθηταί.<mathētēs>} ofMoses. {τοῦ Μωϋσέως<ho Mōusēs>}

9:29 - We {ἡμεῖς<egō>} know {οἴδαμεν<oida>} that {ὅτι<hoti>} God {ὁ θεός,<ho theos>} hasspoken {λελάληκεν<laleō>} toMoses, {Μωϋσεῖ<Mōusēs>} but {δὲ <de> asforthis {τοῦτον<houtos>} man, ← wedonot {οὐκ<ou>} know {οἴδαμεν<oida>} wherehecomes {ἐστίν.<eimi>} from.” {πόθεν<pothen>}

9:30 - The {ὁ<ho>} man {ἄνθρωπος<anthrōpos>} answered, {ἀπεκρίθη <apokrinomai>} • καὶ<kai>} • {εἶπεν<legō>} • {αὐτοῖς·<autos>} • {ἐν<en>} “Why, {γὰρ<gar>} this {τούτῳ <houtos>} is {ἐστιν<eimi>} anamazing {τὸ θαυμαστόν<ho thaumastos>} thing! ← • {ὅτι<hoti>} You {ὑμεῖς<sy>} donot {οὐκ<ou>} know {οἴδατε<oida>} wherehecomes {ἐστίν,<eimi>} from, {πόθεν<pothen>} and yet {καὶ<kai>} heopened {ἤνοιξέν<anoigō>} my {μου<egō>} eyes. {τοὺς ὀφθαλμούς.<ho ophthalmos>}

9:31 - Weknow {οἴδαμεν<oida>} that {ὅτι<hoti>} God {ὁ θεὸς<ho theos>} doesnot {οὐκ<ou>} listen {ἀκούει,<akouō>} tosinners, {ἁμαρτωλῶν<hamartōlos>} but {ἀλλ᾽<alla>} if {ἐάν<ean>} anyone {τις<tis>} is {ᾖ<eimi>} a worshiper of God {θεοσεβὴς<theosebēs>} and {καὶ<kai>} does {ποιῇ,<poieō>} his {αὐτοῦ<autos>} will, {τὸ θέλημα<ho thelēma>} Godlistens {ἀκούει.<akouō>} to him. {τούτου<houtos>}

9:32 - Never {οὐκ<ou>} since {ἐκ<ek>} the {τοῦ<ho>} world {αἰῶνος<aiōn>} beganhasitbeenheard {ἠκούσθη<akouō>} that {ὅτι<hoti>} anyone {τις<tis>} opened {ἤνοιξέν<anoigō>} theeyes {ὀφθαλμοὺς<ophthalmos>} ofamanborn {γεγεννημένου.<gennaō>} blind. {τυφλοῦ<typhlos>}

9:33 - If {εἰ<ei>} this {οὗτος<houtos>} manwere {ἦν<eimi>} not {μὴ<mē>} from {παρὰ<para>} God, {θεοῦ,<theos>} hecould {ἠδύνατο<dynamai>} do {ποιεῖν <poieō>} nothing.” {οὐκ οὐδέν.<ou oudeis>}

9:34 - Theyanswered {Ἀπεκρίθησαν<apokrinomai>} • {καὶ<kai>} • {εἶπαν<legō>} him, {αὐτῷ·<autos>} “You {σὺ<sy>} wereborn {ἐγεννήθης<gennaō>} in {ἐν<en>} utter {ὅλος<holos>} sin, {ἁμαρτίαις<hamartia>} and {καὶ<kai>} wouldyou {σὺ <sy>} teach {διδάσκεις<didaskō>} us?” {ἡμᾶς;<egō>} And {καὶ<kai>} theycast {ἐξέβαλον<ekballō>} him {αὐτὸν<autos>} out. {ἔξω.<exō>}


The conversation between the healed man and the Pharisees is filled with gospel irony. He who sees for the first time in his life reveals the long-standing blindness of the Pharisees. They only see the law, but the healed man sees the Messiah, to whom the law points. In their hubris, the Pharisees can only boast about Moses; in his humility, the healed man only boasts about Jesus. The Pharisees charge the healed man with walking in the darkness of sin; but he sees the Light of the World—the Son who made the sun and everything else. The Pharisees excommunicated him from the life of the temple; Jesus made him a living stone (1 Pet. 2:4–12) in the only true and lasting temple—Christ himself (John 2:19–22; Rev. 21:22).


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