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The Book of John - Chapter 9:8-12 - (ESV)

Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind - {Interlinear <Greek>}

9:8 - The {Οἱ<ho>} • {οὖν<oun>} neighbors {γείτονες<geitōn>} and {καὶ<kai>} those who {οἱ<ho>} hadseen {θεωροῦντες<theōreō>} him {αὐτὸν<autos>} before {τὸ πρότερον<ho proteros>} • {ὅτι<hoti>} asabeggar {προσαίτης <prosaitēs>} • {ἦν, <eimi>} weresaying, {ἔλεγον·<legō>} “Is {ἐστιν<eimi>} this {οὗτός<houtos>} not {οὐχ<ou>} the man who {ὁ<ho>} usedtosit {καθήμενος <kathēmai>} and {καὶ<kai>} beg?” {προσαιτῶν;<prosaiteō>}

9:9 - Some {ἄλλοι<allos>} said, {ἔλεγον<legō>} {ὅτι<hoti>} Itis {ἐστιν,<eimi>} he.” {οὗτός<houtos>} Others {ἄλλοι<allos>} said, {ἔλεγον·<legō>} “No, {οὐχί,<ouchi>} but {ἀλλ᾽<alla>} heis {ἐστιν.<eimi>} like {ὅμοιος<homoios>} him.” {αὐτῷ<autos>} He {ἐκεῖνος<ekeinos>} keptsaying, {ἔλεγεν<legō>} {ὅτι<hoti>} I {ἐγώ<egō>} am {εἰμι.<eimi>} theman.”

9:10 - So {οὖν<oun>} theysaid {ἔλεγον<legō>} tohim, {αὐτῷ·<autos>} “Then {οὖν<oun>} how {πῶς<pōs>} wereyour {σου<sy>} eyes {οἱ ὀφθαλμοί; <ho ophthalmos>} opened?” {ἠνεῴχθησάν<anoigō>}

9:11 - He {ἐκεῖνος·<ekeinos>} answered, {ἀπεκρίθη<apokrinomai>} “The {ὁ <ho>} man {ἄνθρωπος<anthrōpos>} called {ὁ λεγόμενος<ho legō>} Jesus {Ἰησοῦς<Iēsous>} made {ἐποίησεν<poieō>} mud {πηλὸν<pēlos>} and {καὶ<kai>} anointed {ἐπέχρισέν <epichriō>} my {μου<egō>} eyes {τοὺς ὀφθαλμοὺς<ho ophthalmos>} and {καὶ<kai>} said {εἶπέν<legō>} tome, {μοι<egō>} ‘ {ὅτι<hoti>} Go {ὕπαγε<hypagō>} to {εἰς <eis>} Siloam {τὸν Σιλωὰμ <ho Silōam>} and {καὶ<kai>} wash. {’νίψαι.<niptō>} So {οὖν<oun>} Iwent {ἀπελθὼν<aperchomai>} and {καὶ<kai>} washed {νιψάμενος <niptō>} andreceived my sight.” {ἀνέβλεψα.<anablepō>}

9:12 - • {καὶ<kai>} Theysaid {εἶπαν<legō>} tohim, {αὐτῷ·<autos>} “Where {ποῦ<pou>} is {ἐστιν<eimi>} he?” {ἐκεῖνος;<ekeinos>} Hesaid, {λέγει·<legō>} “Idonot {οὐκ<ou>} know.” {οἶδα.<oida>}


He who said, “Let there be light!” now says, “Let there be sight!” The spit and clay used in this miracle echo the elements of the first creation (Genesis 1–2). Even more profoundly, they also announce that, in Jesus, the new creation order has arrived. He who created man from dust now uses dust to restore him. The “sent one” (Jesus), sent the healed one to the pool of “Sent” (Siloam). He who was sent into the world to lift the curse of sin is here. Superstition is trumped by the truly supernatural, and the saved are sent in witness.

Jesus’ miracles are reminders of the day when there was no brokenness (Eden) and of the firstfruits of the day when all brokenness will be removed forever (the new heaven and new earth; Rev. 21:1). Miracles are not primarily for our comfort but for God’s glory—for declaring the power present in and the praise due to the person and work of Jesus.


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“Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission.

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